Last updated on | March 06, 2025 12:04:42
Site Visitors
"I envision a life filled with purpose and meaning, where I
can make a difference in the lives of others. I will
priortize my relationships, interests and hobbies and
dedicate my time and resources to helping those in need"
Hi all, myself Arya PR.
Welcome to my small space !!!.

"Here's a small sneak peek"
Discover my journey through family, education, and personal experiences. This website is a reflection of who I am and the values that shape my life and aspirations.
Join me as I share insights about my family background, educational pursuits, and the lessons learned along the way.
I will be trying to cover the books that I received suggestions and my some of the personal and must reads one. I will be sharing the review as well as author details
A glimpse into all the experiences and knowledges I have received during my one year internship opportunity at KSERC
I will be sharing about my improvement plans and my learnings on communication skills
All my tasks and activities I have been part of and my learnings.
Good Reads
Articles and posts that will be useful to enrich your knowledge and invoke ideas which will be having both technical and nontechnical aspects.

Book Voyage
Check Points
1.The kite runner- Khaled Hosseini
2. You Can Win- Shiv Kera
3. Odyssey Pepsi to Apple: Journey of Adventure Ideas & the future John A Byrne &John Sculley
4. Go, Kiss, the World: Life Lesson for the Young Professionals- Subroto Bagchi
5. The Alamance of Naval Ravikant - Eric Jorgenson
6. The Seven Habits of Highly Effective- Stephen Covey
7. The Alchemist - Paulo Coelho
8. The Monk who sold the Ferrari - Robin Sharma
9. How I taught my grandma to read & other stories - Sudha Murty
10. The day I stopped drinking Milk - Sudha Murty
11. Life is what you make it - Preeti Shenoy
12. Rich Dad Poor Dad -Robert T. Kiyosaki
13. Five Point Someone - Chetan Bhagat
14. The professional - Subroto Bhagchi
15. Mind Set: The News Psychology of Source- Carol Dweck
16. Sapiens : A brief history of human kind. - Yuval Noah Harari
17. The Palace of Illusions - Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni
18. I came upon a light house - Shantanu Naidu
19. Atomic Habits - James Clear
20. Unfinished - Priyanka Chopra Jones
Get in Touch with Arya P R
Feel free to reach out for any inquiries or connections.